I had my midwife appointment on the 19th March which went well. My midwife is lovely or at least I like her at the moment I can go off people quickly. She asked me lots of questions about my medical history and family's medical history; took my blood pressure; gave me the bounty pack and sent me off to have my bloods done. I had blood tests for all of the following:
- Blood group and rhesus
- Full blood count
- Hepatitis B
- MSSU (urine test for infection)
- Rubella
- Sickle Cell
- Syphilis
- Thalassaemia
Due to my BMI being above 30 I will have to see a consultant as well as a midwife, meaning I am shared cared at the moment.
My blood pressure was 130/70, I'm not sure what a perfect blood pressure is but the British Heart Foundation says it should be below 140/85 which it is.
I'm not sure if this happens at all NHS trusts but I was given my notes to take away and I have to remember them for every appointment and scan that I have. After properly going through the information I've noticed that midwife said that she discussed the benefits of breastfeeding with me which she didn't and also that she discussed antenatal classes with me which again she didn't. I already have my own thoughts on these, but would have been nice to talk them through with her.
Overall, I was happy with my appointment I wasn't lectured on my weight or made to feel bad about being a high risk pregnancy. I am also glad that I chose Warrington General as the place to have my baby it really is a lot nicer than the other hospitals that are near me.