Thursday, 12 July 2012

First Gestational Diabetes Appointment

I had my appointment yesterday to discuss my Gestational Diabetes. I only had two days worth of readings to show the diabetic doctor. The hospital send me home with enough test strips and lancets (needles to prick my finger) to last until Monday dinner time, so upon returning from the hospital on Friday after I went to my GP's to request new supplies telling the receptionist that I needed them for Monday. Monday arrives and my prescription hasn't been signed by the GP, in fact it took until Tuesday dinnertime for my prescription to be signed so by the time I got home from work at 6.30pm on Tuesday the only pharmacy that was open didn't have any lancets left.

The doctor was fine about this we discussed the problems that could happen if my blood sugar went uncontrolled like a big baby, birth defects and baby having low blood sugar at birth, he said the problems that could occur with me are that the diabetes may not go away after the birth I will tested after 6 weeks to see if my glucose levels are normal and that if it was a big baby I could have more issues with blood loss. He asked if I wanted to see a dietician, I said I would like a chance to be able to control my sugar levels myself but if I am unable to then I would see a dietician. He said that due to the fact I have PCOS it is not a surprise that I have Gestational Diabetes. I have to call the diabetic nurse with my glucose readings next week and I have an appointment the following week to discuss my options. If I am able to control with diet then I will continue testing and have appointments every 2-4 weeks, if not they will look into prescribing me insulin and will see me more often.

After seeing the diabetic doctor I saw the obstetrician who is the same person who has does my scans. My urine was tested and it contain ketones, I should have asked what these were, in fact I probably should have known but I didn't so I googled it. It means that my body has been using stored fat as energy and it could be caused by not eating enough carbohydrates. I didn't have much to eat or drink before going to the appointment as I had to go to work beforehand then was rushing about trying to get to the hospital on time. I am hoping this is just a one off and I possibly need to make sure I am having some small serving of carbohydrate at each mealtime. My blood pressure was taken and it was 128/60 which is the lowest it has been so at least that isn't another problem I am facing. The obstetrician also scanned me, baby is doing well and was kicking away :-) I couldn't feel that it was moving and I'm still a little weirded out that something that is about a foot long can be moving that much and I don't feel it as often as I should (my placenta is at the front so shields most kicks)

I now have my supplies to test regularly, although I was prescribed 200 lancets and only 50 test strips, this makes no sense to me so I will have to order some more as I have to check 3 times a day and on 2 days a week do a fasting test in the morning. It means I need 23 strips a week and I've already used one yesterday that showed an error on my machine. I cannot wait until I can go back to not having to see medical professionals and more importantly not have to deal with receptionists!


  1. Sounds good that you got some more supplies. The ketones thing sounds like you're on the Atkins diet, lol. The low-carbers often are in "ketosis" and they'd test positive for ketones in urine regularly. So maybe it's just from that. You're not officially a low-carb dieter Gemma, haha.

    So it sounds like you've made some dietary changes already. How is that going? Hopefully you can add some low-GI carbs back into your diet and keep your levels stable.

    1. Hi it's been going OK I miss my sweet stuff though. I have had some higher readings mainly when I've had a larger meal like a roast dinner.

      Some readings don't make sense, I had a big mac meal on Saturday as I'd gone to hospital in a panic as baby hadn't moved for 24 hours so I was drained and wanted something quick and my blood sugar was 5.2 which is the lowest it's been, it has to be 7.9 or below. Yet I had porridge and a small banana for breakfast and my blood sugar was 9.1.

      It just confirms to me that everyone is different. I am eating more carbs than I was when first diagnosed but not as many as I usually eat, I just need to get the right balance.
