Thursday, 2 August 2012

29 week scan

Today was my 29 week scan to check the growth of the baby, I am expected to have a big baby. Anyways, scan was good baby is measuring spot on for my dates.The baby is in an extended breech position at the moment, if the baby doesn't turn before 38 weeks I will need to have a c-section which I really wanted to avoid. Baby is lying in a longitudinal position and the spine is to my right hand side, basically baby is head up lying up from my pelvis. I'm not sure if this is a problem but being breech definitely is.

My amniotic fluid is normal and at it's deepest is 5cm which doesn't seem too deep but my note say this is normal.

The measurements taken were: Femur length 55mm which is 13mm longer than 5 weeks ago; Head circumference is 263mm which is up 47mm from last scan and abdominal circumference is 253mm up by 53mm. The estimated weight of the baby is 1351g which is just less than 3lbs.

Just 11 weeks left now, but 9 if I have to have a c-section at 38 weeks. I am just glad that my baby is measuring normal and that my gestational diabetes hasn't caused it to be big.

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