Friday, 7 September 2012

34 week update

I am now 34 weeks and 1 day pregnant, my due date is 41 days away! However, it doesn't look like I will get that far.

I had my growth scan, diabetic appointment and consultant appointment on Wednesday. At the scan the baby was bigger than expected, it's head and femur measurements are within target, however, it's abdominal circumference is measuring 3 weeks ahead and as the sonographer put it 'baby has a chunky tummy' The measurements were:

Femur Length: 68mm
Head Circumference: 303mm
Abdominal Circumference: 322mm

The estimated fetal weight is 2637g which is 5lb 13oz around 10oz more than it should be. I find it amazing that the baby has gained over 1000g in 5 weeks! The sonographer also checked the blood flow through the cord which was perfect. The baby is now transverse, head on my left side, bum on the right with it's hands and feet pointing downwards, meaning baby is still not where it should be, again like the breech position if it stays that way it will be a c-section.

At my diabetic appointment I had more insulin added in as my evening levels have started to creep up. I am now on 10 units with breakfast, 10 units with dinner, 8 units at tea and 14 units over night. I'm still eating well and am still finding that certain meals that work one day will not work the next day, it's so frustrating and I cannot wait until it goes away!

My consultant appointment was really useful as I went in with a list of questions due to not really having a clue about what would happen at the birth. I was told that I would be induced or c-sectioned at 37-38 weeks. If I am able to have a natural birth and there are no complications I should be out of hospital after one night, with a c-section it will be a 2-3 days stay. So slightly longer than average if there are no complications. I was also assured that my baby wouldn't be taken away to special care just because of my diabetes, I had read that they are automatically taken away for their glucose levels to be monitored but this is not the case. I was also assured that I would have community care once I was out of hospital as it didn't matter that I had refused to see the community midwife, the labour ward would let the local team know to expect me.

My blood pressure has also begun to rise which is concerning me, it was 143/83 and I also had a trace of  protein and leukocytes in my urine as this could mean preeclampsia but could just be an infection, the urine has been sent off for further analysis.

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