Thursday, 27 September 2012

A miracle!

That's right a miracle has happened the baby has finally gone head down after over 36 weeks of deciding it doesn't want to do what every other baby does  it has now got into a position where I can have a normal delivery. I was booked in to be induced next Thursday the 4th October which will make me 38 weeks, so by next weekend I should have my baby.

I have now just realised I have to get this baby out, I  have pretty much spent my whole pregnancy convinced I would need a c-section so haven't really thought about any other way of getting the baby out. I think part of this is denial as I am not great when I am in pain but the options of pain relief given leave a lot to be desired so fingers crossed I am one of these people who just pushes the baby out in a few hours!

My blood pressure is good 120/75 which is lowest it has been for a while, my blood sugars are controlled really well, my urine showed leukocytes and white blood cells so it is being sent off for further analysis, it could indicate an infection. They measured the fundal height as 38cm so just a little over a week bigger than it should be.  I mentioned to the consultant that I had reduced movements from the baby but hadn't worried as I still felt it move a little and assumed it was running out of space to move. Anyways, she wasn't happy so wanted me to be monitored, the midwife couldn't find the heartbeat as she said there was 'too much of me' I mentioned that at 31 weeks the heartbeat was found straight away to which she replied well there is more of you now, baby is bigger and placenta is bigger. For a start I have put a couple of lbs on since 31 weeks and surely if baby is bigger the heartbeat would be easier to find. Anyways, they decided to scan me again (even though I had one on the portable scanner at the consultant appointment) baby's heartbeat was fine, blood flow was fine, it wasn't moving but that was because it was asleep. It's good job I wasn't anxious about it all, I knew the baby was fine otherwise I would have referred myself to the hospital. I think part of the reason that I haven't felt it as much is because it has moved as I am definitely feeling baby a lot more today.

This week was also exciting because I got to meet my best friends one week old son who is so cute and unbelievably tiny considering he was 8lb 6oz when born. I got to hold him for ages he only cried when he wanted feeding and I managed to not drop him or break him. It also made me realise I have no idea about babies, how big they are or how to look after them I am basically only good at cuddles! I feel I should have given antenatal classes a go but at the same time realise that human's do not come with a manual and that women have been having babies for thousands of years and we are all still here. Also, when thinking about it I have learnt much more from life than I ever have in a textbook.

Weight wise I am hovering between 12 and 14lb gain which as always I am very pleased about, I am planning a bit of a 'eat what I want day' before getting back onto Slimming World, I already have meals made up in the freezer including bolognese sauce, lamb and colcannon pie, cottage pie and mince beef stew. I also plan on making some fish pie and some potato and leek soup. I have a lot to do from when I finish work tomorrow until induction day.

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